Monday, June 30, 2008 Y 7:16 PM I am currently doing my homework and blogging now. Muti-tasking. So today, went to causeway point and...haha its a secret and you know what? I ALMOST LOST MY WALLET! I LEFT IT AT ACTION CITY! I ran all the way back there, hah, luckly its still there. I am sucha blur sotong. Its not the first time I guess? Yes I know I am dumb. Tomorrow is someone's biggie day! Ahaha, not going to say who she is...cause I am mean(: Joking. I met aintnohornyboy in somewhere. Haha, and priscilla, yi fan and rachel rock hardcore!(: I found out that rachel and priscilla made a good combination. Hoh. School rocks nowadays, right, I am weird. Volleyball training is cancelled again? I think so, cause of oral. Boo oral but I want to wish those sec4s good luck! You guys can do it. I am going to stop here. & sorry for the colourful words. Its colourful day(: Heart, stop the thinking. Friday, June 27, 2008 Y 9:04 PM Its friday! Yay, that means I can sleep more than 6hours. To be frank, for this whole week, I slept for 6 or 5 hours a day. School was perfectly fine today, went to irritate mr kumar. Haha, mr kumar is my favourite teacher! He is very fun! Aintnohornyboy is fun too(: Yupp, so went for co combine practice, its rather boring, I didnt play more than 10 bars! Then went home. Homework, yes, homework. Not much I think? I am really tired and bored, like totally. Haha, I know, I shall try typing like an ah lian. hiie, muai name iissh wangyunyi. wat iissh yours? miie iissh veri borin rite now. eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk, thats so gross, like super duper. superfragilisticespreelledosho. Is that how you spell it? I dont know, I heard it from the mary poppin show. Its so cool. Hah. I shall stop here. I have no time for nonsense. Wednesday, June 25, 2008 Y 9:40 PM hello, so its a wednesday. Pretty cool, cause school released quite early today and not much things were taught. Then, Sharon wanted to force me to go causeway, but she didnt make it. Then met Wanyu they all, Wanyu and Jiaxin also want to force me to go causeway & again, they didnt make it. So, I went to buy some food, then home. I slept for 5hours?! I am a pig, I know. Then woke up, wanted to revise some stuff and I realised that there was nothing for me to revise and here I am, using the computer and blogging. Pray hard that mr alan ho will teach our class for d&t, as Miss foon was quite boring.(no offence) The saddest thing was that VOLLEYBALL TRAINING IS CANCELLED! so sad, cannot train. Lets stop here. I found out that I am quite useless. Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Y 10:02 PM Hey ya! So I am finally back to school! Seriously, I dont know why am I so weird, I cant bring myself to say this, but I totally love school! Although there will be a lot of stress coming my way, like homework, planning stuff & new responsibilities, still it occupies me very well. Its a brand new term, I want to get back my top three! RAHHH. My english, read moremoremore books, oh yes I surely will. I got a feeling that things are going to get quite difficult to handle, like the sec2s(boys), who thinks that councillors have no brains and they could just sneak the drinks back to class. How stupid. I am really afraid that I cant handle those new unknown stress, I have to handle my studies & carry out my duty on the same time. So its like a balancing thing, ah yes, the balancing scale? Yupp, if its unbalance, it will be hard to get back to balance. 3 positions for me: a student, a leader, a musician. Sorry for saying I am a leader or musician, but thats how I feel about myself. I am learning new stuff and I have to handle old things that I've learnt the same time. Just, its kind of I dont know kind of thing. Alright, I dont know what am I talking about. I just really need to handle time well. Last thing I would like to type is my brother is a meano, he is irritating and he stole my re-live shirt and wears it. Kay, stop here for peace(: I dare time to fight me! Sunday, June 22, 2008 Y 8:22 PM hellohellohellohellohellohellohello. Yeah, I know I am lame, using different fonts to type. Haha, so today is the last day of school holiday! & I finished my school holiday homework! Hahaha, cant wait to go school! I shall stop here. byebye(: keep moving forward. Saturday, June 21, 2008 Y 2:05 PM HELLO! I AM SO BORED NOW! I AM GOING FOR MY VIOLIN LESSON LATER! I WANT TO CUT MY FREAKING HAIR! I AM SO MAD! RAHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Friday, June 20, 2008 Y 9:14 PM School is reopening. SO YEAH AND SO BOOOO. Ahaha, and the worst thing ever is, my homework is not done yet! LIKE SO WHATTHEHELL! I left with one chinese composition. So yesterday had volleyball training, it worst tough man! Ahaha, I dont know, actually not really. Learnt some setting and spiking. Yupp, and today, I was all alone for the whole afternoon! rahhhhh. So bored man. School! I want some schooling as soon as possible! Alright, I am very weird. Dont mind me please. I shall stop here. Oh, and the moon is very huge and dreamy tonight(: I wasted the whole holiday for stupid schoolwork! Wednesday, June 18, 2008 Y 11:25 PM HELLO! I am back from councilors' camp! IT WAS SUPER FUN! ahaha, nevermind. Lets rewind back to 4 days ago. FATHERS' DAY My brother, my sister and I cooked a meal for my dad! ahaha. We cooked big prawn pasta and tomato soup. We had banana split and chocolate fudge for dessert. Then we also went to play basketball!(: yupp, so thats fathers' day. My dad was very happy. COUNCILORS' CAMP My group members: Alex sucker Ong(just kidding, he is Alex Ong), WeiChang, Gowri, Minny, Samantha, Fabian(small boy + papa) and I. Day 1: We went to East Coast Park and built SANDCASTLE! Although it was tiring but it was very fun! Alex and Fabian were so enthusiastic man! Then after that, we had our lunch at fast food restaurant. Then had amazing race. The whole group chiong like siao! We got second & we were so close to first group who reached the checkpoint, like 2 minutes only. Yupp, then we went back to school and prepared for outdoor cooking. We cooked rice instead of instant noodle, so Alex and I took care of the rice then the others took care of the canned food. I totally felt so proud of myself, my rice was totally a sucess, I added eggs to the rice. Then Alex first stove of rice was a disaster! Like poridge, but still, it taste good. Then he was like saying I very pro? Then can be his wife and blahblahblah all the crap. So we had our dinner(: Then after dinner, we played twister? Then shower & sleeptime(: We slept five hours only. Day 2: We had physical training, not very tough. Breakfast. Then I went to volleyball training with Sharon, and they played funfun games. So sad, Sharon and I didnt get to play it. Then we had lunch, then the public speaking talk by mdam yati. Then amazing race in school again. We were last? Then had to do some forfeit(is that how you spell it?) Yupp, then dinner & then some volleyball then talent time. My group acted a scene of a dismantle family. Fabian acted as the father with two wife, weichang and samantha. Gowri and I the daughter and minny the grandmother. Alex didnt act cause he was in-charge of the whole thing. So yeah, I acted like a retard. Then Fabian kept calling me dismantle child from then on. So mean. Haha, he is fun to talk to and fun to irritate! Then after the talent time, we had nightwalk. Walked around the school and find clues. Again, Alex didnt join in cause he was in-charge of the thing. Yupp, this time round we didnt get last, and then we had supper, shower then sleeptime. Again, its five hours of sleeptime. Day 3:We had PT again. Then delicious breakfast. Some bonding games and the reflection. Break camp! And I want to thank all my group members for working so hard and co-perating with one another. Especially Fabian & Alex! They bought the team up. Thank you so much for the fun and laughter! Alright, its a very long post, I shall not type anymore. byebye~ holiday is coming to an end. Friday, June 13, 2008 Y 1:56 AM yeahyeah I know its late now, but I want to post something. So lets rewind back to the last three days. Tuesday, 10thjune 2008 I went out with sharon, wanyu, elieen, jiaxin & rachelle(: I had like super hell lots of fun with them. So we began with our lunch at FISH & CO. That super expensive one. Actually not very, but I am exaggerating it(: so we chatted a lot and I am being weird to talk about how bad coke was & where the fish we had ate came from. Haha, then I suddenly realised that service charged was so expensive, & the service standard had not even reach average. The waiter was kind of deaf? I dont know. Hah, then we headed off the bugis street! like so YAY! I never really went there to seriously look around for clothes and after that day, I realised that bugis street have hell lots of clothes and pretty stuff to look at(: I am so outdated I know. Then after the so called shopping, or rather window shopping. Jiaxin they all went off first, and left with sharon and I. We just walked around and went home. So yupp, thats tuesday with girls(: Wednesday, 11thjune 2008 I went out marcus, jade & sharon. After a so long of not knowing going where, I suggested we shall go plaza sing. So we trained there, chatted quite a lot. & that pig(marcus)was kind of isolated with us in the train? Haha, so we reached there and ate breakfast. Then went to the cathay to catch a movie. Oh and before we reached the cathay, that marcus stopped at somewhere and cycled a exercise bike. We had no choice and so we cycled too(: its a public event, asking people to cycle more than using the vehicles and they hoped that people who cycled can added to 43thousands km. So four of us contributed 40+ plus. I cycled 12 km(: HAH. Yupp, then we went to watch movie. We were so lost? dont know what movie should we watch, cause there were not much nice movie to watch. Then jade suggested to watch INDIANA JOONES & THE CRYSTAL SKULL. IT WAS FREAKING NICE! I can tell you that its worst watching 5 times? So after movie, we split. marcus went to his net outing, jade went to meet her cousin, sharon went for tuition & I went to meet my mum and brother at plaza sing. And Sharon, sorry for letting you to eat your lunch alone, I AM SO SORRY HONEY. Alright, so had lunch at the tomato express? It was quite nice, at least nicer than fish & co. Then my sister came and we went to shop around. Yeah, so thats wednesday with MJS & family(: Today nothing much, I woke up very late. Do some household chores & went to woodlands centre to meet my brother and cousin, we studied at MacDonald(: so hardworking right? haha, IknowIknow. We might be going there to study again tomorrow. Then after studying for a few hours, we went to play at the arcade. Wonder why wangyunyi will also go there right? haha, cause she is also a human who enjoys life(: yeah then went to find my mum, she works there and then home. Such a long post man! hahaha, I shall stop here. bye human!(: IAMBACK! Monday, June 9, 2008 Y 8:24 PM HELLO. I changed my blogskin. I slacked the whole day. I am the only one at home. I slept at 6am+ in the morning today. I woke up at 3pm today. I am going out with the girls tomorrow. I am useless for not doing any work. I am kind of good for nothing. I dont want to slack. I want to get things. I want to work hard. I just cant. I am down with mental problems. I just want to hit 'em all. I want to win. RAHHHH. let me work! Sunday, June 8, 2008 Y 8:24 PM OHMYGOSH! I stopped posting for like almost one week? HAHA. I dont know why, but I hadnt been using the computer for quite a while. So...nothing much happened. I was down with a flu after my last post, I went out with my primary school friends & watched kungfu panda(: Then I had some of my work done. Anyway, I have been SLACKING! I am supposed to complete all my homework during the first week of the holiday but up till now I am still left with three pieces of assignments. Like whatthehell. I am left with two weeks to do my own stuffs, actually its one freaking week. Oh nevermind, I guess I just dont have the determination. I am so useless. Alright, I shall stop my complaining. bye. maybe its time... Monday, June 2, 2008 Y 2:22 PM Hey readers. I AM ROTTING!!! I am not doing anything! First week of the holiday was totally called the BUSY WEEK for me. I was basically out for like everyday? Ahahaha, s no time to do my own revision. Then when I have time, I slacked? Dont know, just dont have the mood. I am reallyreally going to do some work later. I shall stop here. bye~ lets rock the world together... Sunday, June 1, 2008 Y 5:20 PM Hello. Havent been posting for two days right? I think so. So lets talk about my art museum outting with higher chinese peeps. We saw the Xu Bei Hong master's painting. Then cam-whored a lot with them. After that went to eat with priscilla & yi fan, girls talk again(: and then walked around. Went home then went out again? Went to some holy place. Alright, the next day, which was yesterday. Went to the cathay & played THE QUEST. Its like a amazing race. Its by NTUC, went around the whole east. My group members : sharon, yi fan, priscilla & rachelle. We didnt complete the race, so sad, left with one station. Then went to the end point, at downrown east. Got the more than over 50 DOLLARS GOODIE BAG. Its like shit I tel you. Then went to escape theme park with marcus, sharon, rachelle, yi fan, regina, ellenca, rollda & priscilla. regina, marcus & I went home the latest. Crapped a lot on the way home, then marcus was like saying I look like a monkey? Dont know, ahaha. Then reach causeway, met my cousin, went to buy a necklace. Then went home. I shall stop here. bye~ Everyday is a happy!(: |
Summer; The Girl; Silly Materialistic; world peace no more global warming environment clean more fresh water & fuel Sweetnothings; Takeoff; chr peeps♥ councillors'blog cher vin Dezerek. elaine:) Ivory(: Jade:D Jianmin Jia xinT Jia ying leekim paterlin prisC. rachel:] rachelleH REBEKAH:D regina:) rhys;D Sharonkisujon Jianmin Jia xinT Jia ying leekim paterlin prisC. rachel:] rachelleH REBEKAH:D regina:) rhys;D Sharonkisujon valriejiejie! wanyu<333 xinhui yi fan buddy NYPS♥ eunice felicia Jeanne<3 Joleen Joy Julia<3 karyee<3 raquel ying shan Bloodly Related!♥ peizhen♥ yongchango.o YLC8!♥ Atikah! Chea Yee(: HuiLi:D Music
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