Friday, October 24, 2008 Y 9:52 PM Well, today is Alex's birthday! HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART(: I wanted to spend his birthday with him but his friends is celebrating with him. So I am going to celebrate his birthday tomorrow! Alright, today I went SHOPPING! Yay! I brought quite a lot of things and I am damn happy! Cause when you buy things, you feel really happy. Sharon really rocks! I practically spent the whole day with her, so lesbians. But I like to go lesbians with her(: 2 MORE DAYS TO SHANDONG! I REALLY CAN'T WAIT! I love you. 15 big boy. Thursday, October 23, 2008 Y 8:52 PM Its the last day of school today. I am pretty sad, cause I am not going to be in a same class with my 2E1 friends next year! But well, I know most of them would be in the same class with me. Like Gareth, Xavier, Gerald, Gabriel, Minny, Zainab, Sharon, Rachel, Priscilla, Yi Fan, Rachelle, Jerome, Book! Yu Tong. Okay, almost 1/3 of my class. But still, I would miss everyone of them. Hoho, let's talk about results again( thick skin ). I am 7th in class, 73.5% I am very happy about my results. Yay(: Few more days to shandong! Can't wait! Its gonna be very fun. So today, first half of the day was awesome, but second half, frustrating and disappointed. Its a fine day, the rain came at the perfect timing! Woohoo! Alright, I would be back here again. Maybe after shandong or before shandong(: Bye! HAVE FUN! CAUSE ITS HOLIDAY! Feel the rain, not the pain. Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Y 8:07 PM HEllO. Let me show you my results. I think I have done well for this end-of-year(: English: B3 Science: A1 Chinese: A1 English Literature: B4 History: A2 Mathematics: A1 Higher Chinese: B4 Geography: A1 D & T: A2 Haha, okay. I am not trying to boast here. I am going off. Bye people! You walk too fast. Monday, October 20, 2008 Y 7:24 PM You've always been there for me, every brain cells are filled with you. I am sorry. I torn myself apart and I feel a billions of knife pierce into my heart. Ouch. Sunday, October 19, 2008 Y 3:42 PM Its raining heavily now, just feel like standing under the rain, wash away all the tension and frustration. Time stops here. Saturday, October 18, 2008 Y 11:48 PM Don't try to save everything, cause it would not be back anymore, try. Back to the reality that hits her right on the heart, do you still have any impression of the original person? Reflection. She sees a different person, she looks down, tears drop onto her shoes. She looks up again and pretend to smile. She will try, her very best. Thursday, October 16, 2008 Y 10:13 PM Yo! I am here to update again. School was fun/boring today. Hah, had fun with Mdm Yam. She is a bit weird, but I love her! She is so fun to be with, I hope she will be my AMATH teacher next year? Yeah, pray hard. So after school had training. Its POWERFUL. I mean...yeah, you know what I mean. Going to have training for tomorrow again. And its gonna be in the morning, I should be upset that I cant sleep but well, (look at my face) I AM HAPPY! I can still sleep after training. That will be awesome. And I heard I did well for my exams! Yay! Its gonna be a long war. Wednesday, October 15, 2008 Y 10:24 PM Hello. Oh well, I am such a lazy bum. I have not been blogging for days! Sorry for not updating. Cause, my life is mundane, nothing special. But no one's life is always special right. I mean, everyday. No right? Please kindly agree with me, cause its true. Haha. It a wednesday, and school was boring, but with friends, its never boring. No lessons and I simply slept one hour in the class. Alright, nobody cares anyway. Cause I am always sleeping in class, either exams time or non-exams time. ITS NORMAL. I am going to shandong soon. Yes, China. I can't expect it to be as clean as Singapore and I heard that they have no doors for public toilets? Hoho. Nightmare, but still, I am going with awesome girlfriends! Yay. Oh, I heard that I did quite well for my geography. Another yay but, I am so disappointed with my chinese. My best subject and I...Well, maybe to other people, its already very good. But I am from a chinese-speaking family. Alrightalright, I should stop complaining. I pray that it wouldn't come out to be that bad. For other subjects too. Training tomorrow! Oh yay! I am always happy to train, since the day I got into the CCA. Maybe this is called PASSION. Whoopee! I see the fire in my eyes and passion in my heart. I must win at least two tournament for next year, together with my players. Mindfulness. 100percent focus and effort. Drift apart. Saturday, October 11, 2008 Y 9:05 PM ![]() I know we look weird, but who cares. I love them. Hello loyal readers. Its like just yesterday I have met those awesome classmates. But two years are almost gone. We are going to separate into different class, which will drift us apart. Well, I just want to say that, I will miss you guys, its you people that make me grow up, understand everything little things and let me adapt to this new environment. Thank you, I love you guys. Okay, my brother and his friends are currently at my house. You know I am a friendly person or rather a OVER friendly person. I make friends with them. Some of my sister's or brother's friends got freaked out by me. Cause, you know the reason, I am too friendly. Haha. Well, I simply spent the whole day at home. I was actually thinking of swimming, but no one wants to go with me. I should go out alone tomorrow. Or maybe...I don't know. I have no idea too. So, I am sort of upset and empty now. I don't know why too. I need a break. Friday, October 10, 2008 Y 9:41 PM hello! EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER! OH & HAPPY14THBIRTHDAY TO PRISCILLACHAN! Celebrated priscilla's birthday, went to orchard to shop. Not really shop, cause I am not the one buying things. I WINDOW SHOP. I am angry with myself, cause I can't buy things. I have no money, and even if I have, I wouldn't want to spend it. I am so weird. Yeah, so I saw a lot of nice/pretty things. And we were like some crazy people, went into a shop, came out, and then went into the next shop and came out. Have a lot fun with my girlfriends. They are awesome. I need to save like 1000 plus. Hah. Content with you. Thursday, October 9, 2008 Y 5:06 PM "Out alone in the dark walking down the streets, you guys just never notice it" Well, I AM BACK TO BLOG! WOOHOO! EOY NEARLY over. I still left with one higher chinese paper2. But, anyway, I am already slacking. I swear I am not going to touch any of the sec2 textbooks/notes etc. Anymore. ANYMORE. Haha. Maybe I will burn all my notes. Wait, no, I should keep it and show it to my kids next time and tell them that I am hardworking and they must be like me! Oh well, I am daydreaming again. But my kids must be like me, HARDWORKING. I've got a lot of plans: 1. SHOPPING:O 2. Visit people's house. 3. Play volleyball till I drop. ( ohmygosh, I miss the hall! ) 4. A Sentosa trip. ( with girlfriends ) 5 Skating! 6. Rollerblading. 7. Sun-tanning. 8. triple date! Well, of course there are more, but if I am gonna list out everything, its going to be never ending. I am glad that I can play hard now. Yay, and spend a lot of time with ( you know who ) Hee. I will be back again, EVERYDAY. Promise! The sun in the summer shines brightly with you. Sunday, October 5, 2008 Y 1:48 AM Alright, wondering why I am still up? Well, I am not quite sure either. I lose track of time easily, that's why I always end up sleeping late. Oh right, I am a normal hardworker yesterday, I revised 1/4 chapter of geography only. I must get an A for my geography. If I don't, I would need to do a one whole day self-reflection( lock the room ) I am going to study very hard tomorrow. I must not let miss elleora down. She gave us a lot of hints/tips for the paper. Okay, back to topic. Where did I study yesterday. I studied at Macdonald, Woodlands. There are a lot of macdonald in woodlands but this one is a special one to me as I spent most of my childhood time there. I studied with my cousin and goodfriend. Surprised? Well, I was surprised. We didn't really meet up but he was there. So we talked, but mostly my cousin and I, he was very quiet. And my cousin waved and said bye to a stranger? Hoh, she can do any crazy things. Okay, I need to sleep. I would never want to let you go, cause you're the reason that makes me smile. Friday, October 3, 2008 Y 10:40 PM Oh yeah, finally got to touch the computer. I was out studying the last few days, that's why. Library just totally rocks. Really. No doubt of it. I think English Literature Paper was easy! ( self-comforting and self-denial ) Hoh. I've told many people that I slept a total of 9hours for two nights. Which means 3days2nights=9hours of sleeping. Wonder why I am still so energetic and hyper? BECAUSE OF COFFEE! Well, the status I am in now is crazy studying. I AM GOING TO HIBERNATE AFTER THE EXAMS! Like polar bears, I will sleep 2 full days without eating or waking up. I've tried sleeping one full day. This is so insane, but I like that idea. Oh, and shopping, house visiting, movie screening etc. etc. etc. Yay! This is so exciting! ( self-entertaining ) ALL THE BEST TO PRIMARY 6 STUDENTS! & THOSE WHO ARE HAVING EXAMS NOW. Without you, my world will be in total darkness. |
Summer; The Girl; Silly Materialistic; world peace no more global warming environment clean more fresh water & fuel Sweetnothings; Takeoff; chr peeps♥ councillors'blog cher vin Dezerek. elaine:) Ivory(: Jade:D Jianmin Jia xinT Jia ying leekim paterlin prisC. rachel:] rachelleH REBEKAH:D regina:) rhys;D Sharonkisujon Jianmin Jia xinT Jia ying leekim paterlin prisC. rachel:] rachelleH REBEKAH:D regina:) rhys;D Sharonkisujon valriejiejie! wanyu<333 xinhui yi fan buddy NYPS♥ eunice felicia Jeanne<3 Joleen Joy Julia<3 karyee<3 raquel ying shan Bloodly Related!♥ peizhen♥ yongchango.o YLC8!♥ Atikah! Chea Yee(: HuiLi:D Music
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