Thursday, December 31, 2009 Y 8:49 PM ![]() Hey everybody! Its new year's eve today! Well, the sec 4Es just came back from our Bintan trip and no doubt to say, IT WAS AWESOME! The TLs were just super! Anyway, I shall not do much blogging abut that cause words cant really describe how I felt, there are just too much to say about this camp, I will remember it for life. Alright, so today I am here to do some reflection of the whole 2009. To me, it had been a really tough year. The beginning of the year was just ohmygod, there weren't so much As on my result slip anymore and maybe some friends problem. However, I made it through and now all of these things are on track. Not forgetting about the biggest thing that happened to me was that, I became the president of the Student Council Board. I never expect myself will do such a thing, leading others and planning events for the school to make the school a better place. This position, this responsibility, have never been so easy. Sometimes, I really struggled and felt stressed. I have always been wondering, am I really fit to do this? Can I balance my studies and this commitment? All these have been swirling inside my head till now. I have always been asking myself that why am I in this, why I have to take up such a big responsibility when I am only 15, what if I did not join the SC when I was in sec1, but I guess not anymore. All the whys and what ifs are unless to think about, life has to move on and come to think of that, I am at advantage. I may not be at my best and some may also think that hey, you're not doing your job but I just want to say that I love my Ex-cos for how they always support me when I felt really lost and how they always say yes and didn't utter a word when I give them a job to be done. Also, small encouragements like"You guys are doing great!"from my teachers also push me a lot, that's why I never give up and I found my balance. My new year's resolution for next year. 1.GET A RAW 10 FOR MY Os. 2.Bring my SC to the next level. 3.Pass down our position to the juniors properly. But for now, I just hope that the sec 1 orientation is gonna run smoothly and the sec1s will never ever forget their experiences. There are some people that I really want to thank also. Mr Hu and Miss Eleora: thanks for always trusting me. Miss Uma: I LOVE YOU! Mr Issac Tan: Thanks for guiding me when I really need some guidance. I LOVE YOU! Sharon: No matter how much cold wars we had before, I still love you always. Go Sharonny(: Yifanny: I don't know why, but this year we got closer. Thanks for always being so direct, I love XIAOFANNY! Rachel T SM: You have always been someone that I can trust, someone I can talk to. I will always love you SM. PrisY: BOBLA! You know what, just four words. I LOVE YOU FOR-AIR-VA! PrisC: Don't be so emo already alright? Haha, love you always! My Fish: Thanks for comforting me when I felt really down and also letting me to so lesbian to you. Haha. I love you always library partner! Soonguan: My brother! Thanks for listening to me when I really need a pairs of ears. Gareth: Hey bestfriend! We've been through a lot didn't we? But no matter what had happened, you are always the only one who understands me. Thanks. Syaz and Dass: My hyper friends! Thanks for supporting me when I really need the drive. I always love you guys. Saacmon: Hey! You know what, you have really been a nice friend, nice ex-cos and thanks for not getting irritated with me. Xavier: XL! I really don't know what to say, but you know what. You helped me a lot and sometime I cant imagine how am I gonna complete the job without you. Thanks! Minny and Book: left-right hands. Thanks guys! Rachelle and Michelle: You guys have really been helping me a lot. Thanks! Last but not least. My cousins and my family, always supporting me and loving me. There are just so many people I want to thank, so THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR MAKING BEING A PART OF MY LIFE! Wednesday, December 23, 2009 Y 10:51 PM thanks for being there for me when i needed someone like you the most, someone who may sometimes be really annoying yet understandable caring and concern about my have such a awesome cousin like you who's such a good and perfert student,the president of the concillor,once a captain of a volleyball cca, smart and hardworking student in good classes and all is my world of proudness i luv you like a pure gold heart.have fun in taiwan must miss me :'-( peizhen. Wednesday, December 16, 2009 Y 11:46 PM ![]() Take it from me: love has all the lasting permanence of a rainbow - beautiful while it's there, and just as likely to have disappeared by the time you blink. So what's your heart beating for? Do not wait, go ahead. Wellwellwell, today I spent half of my day with Wanyu the fish and the other half with my sister. First half, I forced myself to study in the ice world with fish saying non-stop of "Let's go out and study!" add in the whiny tone*But I don't take that so we continued to stay in the ice world. Second half, I went to catch a movie with my sister. Frog and the Princess, or the other way round? Nevermind. Yay, I love cold activities! Tomorrow is going to be the same again(: Oh, I just realised I have ugly fingers, too much of the fingertips on strings.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Y 10:14 PM For sharon(: $10 Thursday, December 10, 2009 Y 10:07 PM Yay, I love today so much. Today, five5 of us(my bro, sis, two cousins and of course me) became aunties. There was a sale at SembawangShoppingCentre where they sell their things at 10cents, 1dollar and 10dollars. Cheap to the max. So we woke up very early and went to queue up, but then there were people earlier than us! We knew we didn't make it to the first 100 and my sis came up with a conspiracy. I shall not reveal it but I can tell you that its thrilling. We didn't manage to get the Seahourse bed at 10 bucks though, we were so close to that! However, good thing was that we ate Astons for only 15bucks! We got two plates of beef for 1 dollar which originally cost 16.50. Hah! Then we went around the shopping centre, mostly window shopped and we headed for New Moon in causeway. The movie was what the hell. Today was just FUN! I love my family! Photos time!(: ![]() ![]() ![]() Sunday, December 6, 2009 Y 10:07 PM ![]() I woke up late, AGAIN. I have to wake up early tomorrow! The books and homework are waiting for me! Anyway, today I spent quality time with my family. We went to causeway! Right, I know it a boring place but I haven't been there since school closed? And I saw a lot of nice shoes that I really really want to bring home! Even my sister have to pull me out of the shop, that's how much I love those shoes and I cant bear to take my eyes off them. Come to think of that, I haven't been spending money on all these stuff for a very long already, maybe one day I should just spend all my money. I hate emo people, I hate emo posts. Although sometimes I produce emo posts, I still hate people who produce it excessively. Hate as in, I really cant think of a reason why they are always sad and feels that the whole world is against them? If you are reading this and you are unhappy about your life, maybe its time to just open up to someone whom you trust. Its your life, you lead it. Its a Conspiracy. Friday, December 4, 2009 Y 10:25 PM ![]() I AM BACK FROM OUTWARD BOUND SINGAPORE! It was fun, but not as fun as I expect it to be. The most memorable things I can remember was that we were soaked in seawater for like 2 days and you can only get a bit of plain water to clean up yourself. I also learnt about the truth of the "ingredients" in the sea. It is now currently make up of PEE, SHIT, chicken curry noodle, rice and other things that you wont want to know. I swear I will try as hard as possible not to go near to the sea again. We kayaked like mad and now I don't think I know what is the feeling of tired anymore. People always say perseverance very important, for me, I never know what is the real feeling of persevering and keep moving forward to reach your goal until I have been to this camp. One thing good about this leadership camp was that, they don't really stress you too much on the purpose, they just want you to have fun and make you find out things that you always wanted to know, to feel and to learn about. They pushed you to your limits and made you picked up new skills and interesting learning points. We learnt how to belay too, it was damn cool. I always thought belaying is something hard and complicated, but well, apparently not. Rock climbing was fun, especially when you reached the top and shouted your commitment. "I WANT TO BE KIDS' NIGHTMARE!" Right, guess what I want to be in the future from that. Sleeping in the tent for four4 days, can you imagine how torturing it was? But to be honest, I kind of like to sleep in the tent plus pitching the tent. Alright, here comes the best part of the camp, spending time with PriscillaY instead of my group mates.(I am sellfish) Having Yifanny sticking to me and hitting my head, especially when she placed her head on my butt when I was belaying. Ah neh and Daniel for talking craps which made the camp more fun. Sharon for popping out from nowhere and hyper-ing when I was really bored. Rachel for her weirdest rice on the Earth. Wanyu for being my kayak partner although she was weak and cannot make the kayak move when she paddled alone.(instead the opps face) The whole DHANABALAN PEOPLE and the whole OBS. I shall stop here. I LOVE MUM! |
Summer; The Girl; Silly Materialistic; world peace no more global warming environment clean more fresh water & fuel Sweetnothings; Takeoff; chr peeps♥ councillors'blog cher vin Dezerek. elaine:) Ivory(: Jade:D Jianmin Jia xinT Jia ying leekim paterlin prisC. rachel:] rachelleH REBEKAH:D regina:) rhys;D Sharonkisujon Jianmin Jia xinT Jia ying leekim paterlin prisC. rachel:] rachelleH REBEKAH:D regina:) rhys;D Sharonkisujon valriejiejie! wanyu<333 xinhui yi fan buddy NYPS♥ eunice felicia Jeanne<3 Joleen Joy Julia<3 karyee<3 raquel ying shan Bloodly Related!♥ peizhen♥ yongchango.o YLC8!♥ Atikah! Chea Yee(: HuiLi:D Music
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